Monday, August 10, 2009

Book Giveaway

The first three people to follow my blog and leave their email address, will receive a copy of Lynne Graham's book, 'The Italian's Inexperienced Mistress. This is opened to only US and Canada addresses.

I hope to have more contests in the future.


Nikola said...

Unfortunately, I'm not from the US or Canada, but I'm gonna support you by following, anyway! :)

Caroline said...

Hi housemouse88. You seem to follow the same blogs as me -if I'm correct you win quite a lot of books out there in blogland. Like Nikola I don't live in the US or Canada - but just wanted to stop by and say hello! I'm also impressed by the amount of books that you read in July - phew that's some reading! Way to go. Take care. Caroline x

Martha Eskuchen said...

Hi Housemouse! Congrats on your new blog. I'm following now but no need to send me the book as I have it. Best wishes!!